Emergency Preparedness.

  • Community-Led Preparedness Training.

    Mapleton Park is proud to be the home of Isabel Sanchez, who has worked tirelessly to bring her Community-Led Preparedness Training (CPT) to low-income residents throughout Boulder County. Isabel is an incredible resource for the community, and she recently completed her very first “train-the-trainer” workshop to train new community leaders to administer the course.

    The training is reserved for low-income communities who are most at risk in the event of a disaster. It provides participants with a wealth of information about dealing with emergency situations as well as many of the basic supplies needed to survive in an emergency situation for free.

    In this training participants are encouraged to engage in discussions about the needs of their communities as a whole, their own needs, and the needs of their neighbors in emergency situations, leading to stronger communities who are prepared to weather the storm together.

  • Emergency Alerts.

    The Boulder Office of Disaster Management (ODM) posts announcements regarding ongoing emergency events in the City of Boulder on their website www.boulderodm.gov and a list of notifications sent out by the emergency alert system can be found here.

    We encourage everyone to sign up to receive text, phone or email alerts sent to you automatically in the event of an emergency.

  • Red Cross Disaster Relief.

    The Red Cross provides assistance both during and after emergencies for a variety of needs. They are a charity , not a governent agency, and the organization has pledged to assist all persons during a crisis regardless of nationality, cultural background or citizenship status. Click below to learn more about their Disaster Recovery efforts or find out how to receive assistance from your local Red Cross.